The Barcelona cannabis users' association "La Kalada" held this annual meeting for its members.

This year we had the opportunity to attend the 7th edition of "Kaladamarano", the event held annually by the private association of cannabis users in Barcelona, "La Kalada".
After not having been able to celebrate during the last 2020 due to the COVID pandemic, this year this fun event that La Kalada has been holding for more than 8 years for the enjoyment and pleasure of its members was able to take place.

The organisation was the responsibility of the association itself, which had the renowned brand of growing products Advanced Nutrients as a sponsor. To liven up the evening they also counted on the collaboration of Warrior Vybz (Barcelona), DJ Rambla (Madrid-Barcelona) and Skarramucci (Jamaica).
After the relevant PCR tests were carried out on the almost 80 participants, including members and guests, they were able to enjoy a few hours sailing along the calm waters of the Barcelona coast, where there was time to take a dip while they could also take part in a water jumping contest to see who could perform the most spectacular jump.
the most spectacular.
Rudeteo, Jahkirevi and Bobby Kalada were among the attendees, but there were also some other well-known music artists such as Sie777e and several representatives of the cannabis sector such as Ceci Krasimirova, who attended as the most visible face of Advanced Nutrients.

Although just when all the participants were already on the boat there was a small setback due to the appearance of the port police to check that everything was in order, after the approval of this the event could begin with the sound of the Galician bagpipe that gave the starting signal to the sea and the promenade. A little more than three hours enlivened with music and refreshments, with a route that made a parallel route along the beaches of Barcelona until reaching Badalona, where a stop was made with the anchor dropped to be able to swim and which was used to carry out a contest of "Jumps into the water" for all attendees.
The weather was spectacular throughout the day, very hot but relieved by the sea breeze that accompanied the steaming crossing while Jamaican rhythms provided the soundtrack to this fantastic celebration.
We appreciate the invitation of La Kalada and Advanced Nutrients to this event, an entertaining and fun initiative that we enjoyed very much. We are already looking forward to the next edition.