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Tenerife : Clubs and Canna-Reunion 3.0

Writer's picture: Javier Díaz MartinJavier Díaz Martin

We have spent a few days in Tenerife visiting some clubs and attending some of the events of the third edition of this year's "Canna Reunión" cup.

The beautiful island of Tenerife is the largest of the Canary archipelago and the most populated in Spain with almost a million inhabitants, although the island has high rates of resident population not registered in the population censuses, which would give a figure of more than a million really. In addition, we must add the more than 5 million tourists who come to visit each year. The South is the most densely populated area and where most of the tourist activity is centered, distributed among dozens of localities, since the north is mainly a National Park and, except for some dispersed towns, only Santa Cruz and La Laguna are the most populated areas.

Como en los anteriores años que se viene haciendo el evento "Canna reunión" os estuvimos informando de la realización de la tercera edición también este año a través de nuestras redes y señalamos las fechas en el calendario pero además esta vez pudimos sacar un poco de tiempo para acudir en persona y conocer mejor como se viven estas jornadas durante las que realmente pudimos disfrutar de los mejores humos además del buen rollo y ganas de pasarlo bien de todos los asistentes. Agrademos a los organizadores su invitación, un evento indispensable en la isla al que sin duda volveremos a acudir.

From Thursday the 18th to Sunday the 21st, different events scheduled for the "Canna Reunión" took place in various locations that included some associations such as "Screen Of Green" in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Mr.Chongz in Playa Las Américas and also the facilities where organizers and participants were staying those days located in the southeast of the island near Los Roques. A large space with an indoor pool, paddle tennis court, dining room or barbecue, as well as parking for the necessary car, because although there was a bus stop nearby, the distance to other cities from there exceeded an hour by car. In addition to spending several days staying there, the participants and attendees were able to entertain themselves with the stands of brands, companies and entities that came to show their products and services such as Art Genetix, Squirting CSC, Shikworks, FanCan Systems, Grindit, BioTabs or SmokeWave Shop among others. . There was no shortage of music during these days, entertained by DJs such as Dj Shera and MapuxeSound or live performances such as Necrojoker, Yapsi Mata, Fernikhan, Stereoman and Raskuko. And we also had some interesting talks by Smart Grow and Helga Tropical, who talked about LED lights and terpenes respectively. Of course, the tasting of samples and the awards ceremony were also present; you have a list of the winners at the end of the article.

How many associations are there on the island of Tenerife?

We took advantage of these days on the island to visit some of the cannabis user associations that we know but also to visit others that we had not been to, with the intention of knowing better how they work or if we can help in something, experience it as another member and discover if they are the ideal place to enjoy the best smokes. But we were also interested in knowing better the real number of entities operating in Tenerife and what the situation of users and associations is like. After several days visiting dozens of associations, speaking with users, board members, businessmen and some lawyers, we can say that there are more than 250 clubs operating mainly in the Tenerife South area, with also another couple of dozen between the cities of Santa Cruz, La Laguna and other small towns. Although they function like any other legally registered cannabis user association, depending on the area you are in on the island, there are several things that may attract attention if you are used to the associations on the peninsula.

Although there are associations that are located in residential and quiet areas where they perhaps go more unnoticed, most of the clubs are located in commercial buildings in tourist areas where restaurants and shops are concentrated. These commercial areas are really spacious and have countless stores normally distributed over three floors, one floor at street level, another ground floor and another floor upstairs with the stores with a terrace and beautiful views of the sea. Club headquarters can be found on any of the three levels and it is very common for there to be several different club headquarters in each of these commercial buildings.

The premises are normally marked with signs or plaques on the façade or at the entrance on which you can read the name of the club and see its logo, although others choose to be more discreet. In any case, they usually have conditioned, spacious premises, personalized designs and decoration, programming of activities, exhibitions and many have natural light or even outdoor terraces. Those that have terraces or open spaces are located on the second floors or otherwise have a part of the premises with views of the street, but in this case the members cannot be smoking while standing on the balcony or terrace.




1 - Acaboy21312 : Plátano Canario

3 - ScreenOfGreen : Piatella

Hash CBD

2 - El Terpeno Grow Shop : Bubble Cream Ice


1 - Gorditodemente x Canariforniagenetics : Donut´s No Trim

2 - LaFlorDelValle Grow Shop x DulcenectarCSC : Tarta de Mango

3 - Rastarick : Ganja Cake Pops

Ice O Lator

1 - MommaWeed : Gas Cake

2 - TheGreenrepublicClub : Guaya Jelly

3 - Marcos : Gushcana


1 - MGFarms420 : Pure Mandarine Bomb

2 - OMSGenetics x Calite : Cereal Milk

3 - MGFarms420 : Ethos Cookies

Hash Rosin

1 - ELSenderoDeLaMaria x Zaykar420 : Zkiem

2 - MGFarms420 : MGCookies147

3 - MGFarms420 : Ethoscookies

Flower Rosin

1 - TheGreenRepublicClub : Frutopia

2 - TheGreenRepublicClub : Sour Face

3 - Plantate AEC : Tropicana Cookies

OutDoor THC

1 - Alma420CSC - Peanut butter x Jelly

2 - Dos Manolos - Full Gas

3 - MommaWeed : Clementine Cookies


1 - SquirtingCSC - Pave Runtz

3 - Diosayerba - Black Mint

InDoor CBD

1 - BeeProducts : AK47

2 - CBDEcencial : Cheese cake

3 - CBDScencial : Bubble Gum


1 - Canariokush : AK47

2 - BeeProducts : Critical

3 - LaFlorDelValle Growshop : Sensi Star CBD


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