An association for residents and workers who use cannabis in one of the most visited areas in the city of Barcelona.
The headquarters of this club is located in the Sagrada Familia neighborhood, very close to the famous Basilica. A very densely populated area that also has hundreds of businesses basically focused on meeting all the needs of the thousands of visitors and residents who pass through this busy area every day.

In the neighbourhood, both the residents and the workers who use cannabis find in Club 311 an ideal space to enjoy the best smoke in a familiar and calm environment. Opened in 2018, the association has always taken care to have a conditioned premises, with all the necessities so that members really feel at home. A wide reception with all the security for the entrance of the members and to be able to give information to those users who can come to ask.

The associates have several areas within the premises distributed in a single large room. Comfortable sofas and tables distributed to be able to sit chatting, relax working or spend time playing. It is decorated with floral motifs, as well as pictures of stars from the cinema, music and general culture. It is usually dimly lit and enlivened with a continuous selection of music of all styles, although there is a particular taste for the hits of the 80s and 90s of the last century, especially pop, hiphop and RnB.

All members indulge in their favorite cannabis strains while chatting and sharing their experiences. The association collaborates with campaigns for the prevention of risks in the consumption of cannabis such as "RDRCannabis" and the booklets and informative materials are available at the headquarters for consultation. They also have machines for soft drinks, hot drinks and snacks for when a little energy is needed after eating the flowers, as hydration and having "sweets" nearby is essential to counteract some of their effects.
Cannabis users in the neighborhood are proud to have this ideal space to regain strength during the day, where they take great care to follow good practices, advise and inform, as well as collaborate with the neighborhood.