The event took place over four days in different locations on the island.
At the beginning of this year 2023, the organization of a new cannabis cup in the Canary Islands "DOGO CUP" was announced and we were invited to participate as a collaborating information medium. We are delighted to be able to help make this event known among the community of cannabis users and see how day by day during these months the number of collaborators and participants has increased.

A competition for cannabis growers, extraction and edible producers where we also enjoy a few days with activities to meet the community participating in the event. An experience that included a visit to different associations of cannabis users on the Island where a meeting for attendees and participants was held every day. From Thursday, July 6 to Saturday, July 8, we visited New Green in Playa de las Meloneras and El Cochino Chico, High, Anti Social Cannabis Club and Santa Catalina, these four in Las Palmas. While on Sunday, July 9, the main event took place in a secret idyllic location that only the attendees and participants knew about with an area of tents, drinks, food, concerts and the awards ceremony.

The different personalized products made by "Bettle Print" with the "Dogo Cannabis" logo among the gifts and souvenirs of the event were very beautiful and very practical. During the days prior to the main event, the judges were testing the participating samples and scoring in each of the categories. Our representative of LosMejoresHumos, Jacko, participated as a judge testing the 43 samples of flowers presented and affirms that the quality in general was very good, most of them outstanding for their delicious appearance and very well cared for. Likewise, the rest of the judges also commented on the high quality of the samples presented in the different categories.
In all the meetings during the four days we were able to enjoy the musical performances of different artists. We started in the New Green association with the national LoopStation champion FabiBoss and the 2-time national BeatBox champion

Rubén Zerpa together with the DJ Lady Sara. The next day we started at the "El Cochino Chico" association where we enjoyed a live session of "El Jota" while we tried to refresh ourselves with some fruits and drinks. In the afternoon at the "Anti Social Cannabis Club" association we have the wonderful voice of "Luna" singing live and an exhibition of juggling with soccer balls performed by the incredible "Ever De Vaughn Stewart". On Saturday morning we start at the "High" association where we have a fantastic selection of reggae music by DJ Faselectah, as well as the presentation of the "Southern Flowers" brand and a wonderful food tasting. In the afternoon we moved to the "Santa Catalina" association to continue with the day.

We were able to attend and later taste a pressing organized by El Santo and Greenmaze together with Marinsweeds and Hanamigarden. We always treat the association very well where we have an area where we can recharge our batteries with something to eat and drink. In addition, the event was musically enlivened with a splendid Dub session and refreshing rhythms.
On Sunday the main event took place in a location only known to attendees. A fully conditioned place with a large space for the enjoyment of all attendees, including participants, representatives of sponsoring and collaborating brands, organizers and fans from all over Spain. It was surrounded by nature, with great views and a pool for those who wanted to cool off. The musical session began with House music by BuenagenteMusic with Jota and Ale Quesada, to continue later with reggae music by TropicanEvents, as well as "SkaVillage" and once again BeatBox champion "Rubén Zerpa".
FrabikndoArte were in charge of organizing and directing the "Batalla de Gallos" together with the master of ceremonies "Killer" also in charge of delivering the prizes to the winners, and who also scored a live duet with Cristo Ktana. Cristo Ktana was first and second place went to El Faro MC. We were also able to enjoy the live performances of Vandalsflakk and Miguel BHM.
We then have a premiere performance by the artist Brian Sanabria offering the most current Drill from the islands. The next artist in charge of entertaining the musical session was "Sistah Vibes" who also served as master of ceremonies at the awards ceremony together with the organizer of the cup Majinboy.

Category : FLOWERS CBD
1º Reina Catalana (La Catalana CBD)
2º Amnesia (Costa Brava CBD)
3ª Piña (Layla CBD)
Category : HASH CBD
1ª Hardala Caramelo (La Catalana CBD)
2º Valhalla Blackberry (La Catalana CBD)
3º Black Charas (Costa Brava CBD)
1ª Kmintz (Lume Extracts)
2º Green Village (Green Village)
3º Blue Magic (Bad Dog)

Category : ROSIN HASH
1ª Slurricane x Mimosa
2º Radical Juice (Santa Catalina)
3º Wedding Cake (Green Diamond x Diamond Terp)
Category : FLOWERS THC
1ª Tangi Zest V2 (Janara Lab)
2ª Old Cheese (Tigre Farm)
3º Garapples (Bad Dog)
Category : ICE
1º Rainbow Belts 2.0 (Alto Jardin)
2º Radical Juice (Santa Catalina)
3º Zkittlez Cake (Bad Dog)

Category : PREROLLED
1º Southern High Donutz (High)
2º Bad Dog (Bad Dog)
Category : EDIBLES
1º Manzana Lima (Dea Dama)
2º Tarta Paraiso (Bom Bom Loco)
3º Space Cheese Cake (Santa Catalina)
Category : DRY
1º Grape Gas S1 (Roo Labs)
2º Jet Fuel Gelato (OMS Gentcs x Calite)
3º Oreoz (OMS Gentcs x Calite)